Friday, 28 December 2012

Belajar yang Efektif

Horreee, libur tlah tiba!! Saatnya rehat sejenak dari hiruk pikuk kegiatan sekolah. Ini saatnya gunakan waktu untuk mendapat penyegaran, supaya saat semester Genap tiba sudah siap kembali menjalani kegiatan di sekolah.

Nah, menyambut semester baru yang sebentar lagi datang, mari siapkan diri untuk belajar dengan lebih baik dan efektif. Caranya?? Silakan baca tulisan berikut.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Menjadi Manajer yang Efektif

Tulisan singkat berikut ini merupakan hasil membaca singkat sebuah Buku Saku untuk Manager ketika saya bermain-main di TB Gramedia, Matraman-Jakpus kemarin. Sayangnya, saya lupa mencatat nama penulis buku tersebut sehingga belum dapat memberi kredit atas ilmu yang saya dapat dari buku saku tersebut. Ilmu singkat dalam buku tersebut dikemas secara ringkas dan menarik, sehingga mendorong saya untuk membaginya di sini.

Ini adalah tentang prinsip utama sekaligus tips dalam perjalanan peran bagi seorang manajer. Hmm manajer di sini bersifat umum dan tidak terkhususkan untuk seorang manajer perusahaan saja. So, manajer sekolah pun termasuk sasaran tips berikut. Singkatnya, ada enam prinsip sekaligus tips menjadi manajer efektif:

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Download Area

Here is a post where you can download any files based on your needs. May these files are beneficial for you. Feel free to download and leave comment. Thank you :)

Monday, 17 September 2012

Classroom Language (for Teachers)

Teaching at a school having billingual program requires the use of English in almost every moment of speaking, especially during the teaching and learning process in/out of the classroom. Unfortunately, most teachers find it difficult to use English in their classrooms. Therefore, in this post I'll share some expressions that can be used during the teaching and learning process. Check it out! :)

1. Opening the Lesson

Start your lesson by calmly greeting your students, asking their condition and their activities at home. Some useful expressions in this stage are:
a. How are you doing, students?
b. Did you have a good weekend?
c. Did you study last night?

2. Defining Aims

Defining the aims of your lesson at the day will help students prepare themselves for material and activities they may get and face during the teaching and learning time. You can simply define your aims using these espressions:
a. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to .... (write an invitation; classify living creatures; make a presentation slide)
b. At the end of the lesson, you are expected to .... (deliver a speech; memorize three new verses of Surah Al-Baqoroh; conduct a class discussion)

3. Talking about the Lesson

 This is the main part of the teaching and learning process in/out of the classroom. This part is divided into the stage to tell about the upcoming activities and the one to explain the subject material. These are the expressions you can use during your "show":
- explaining the activities
a. We are going to learn about quantity and unit.
b. First, we are going to discuss the definition.
c. Then, I want you to work in group.
d. Half way through the lesson, we will have a practice to deliver a speech.
e. When we have finished, perhaps we will have a quiz.
- explaining the lesson
a. The definition of unit is ....
b. The examples of quantity are ....
c. Quantities are divided into two groups; the base quantity and the derived quantity.
d. In summary/To sum up, there are two kinds of quantity, they are ... and ....

4. Giving Instructions and Questions

Most of the time in the teaching and learning process is used to give instructions for students. The instructions can be related to the lesson or not. Some common instructions given to the students are:
a. Listen to me!
b. Attention, please!
c. Repeat after me!
d. Open your book page 56 and do the questions number 1-5!
e. Make a group of four and practice the dialogue!
f. Come forward!
g. Hand in/Submit/Collect your work!
h. Read the text carefully and underline the difficult words!
i. Go to the board!
j. Clean the board!
k. Describe the definition of quantity!
l. Look at the whiteboard!
m. Don't be noisy! Be quiet! Keep silent!
At another time you may need to give some questions for your students to check their understanding. Here are some expressions you can use:
a. Do you understand?
b. Is there any question? (any question?)
c. Do you get what I mean/say?
d. Any problem?

5. Ending the Lesson

This is the time for you to end and close your class. You may summarize the lesson and give suggestions for your students. Besides, you can also deliver the aim of the lesson for the next meeting.
a. Time's up. That's all our lesson today.
b. We'll meet next week.
c. Don't forget to do your assignment and submit it next Monday.
d. Please review the lesson at home and prepare for the test.
e. Next meeting, we're going to discuss the natural disasters in Indonesia. Please study page 60 at home.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Renungan Selepas Ramadhan

Ramadhan, bulan penuh perjuangan bagi umat muslim. Perjuangan penuh selama satu bulan untuk menahan hawa nafsu, memperbanyak ibadah, serta meraih pahala sebanyak-banyaknya. 

Bulan ini begitu istimewa. Melalui puasa sebagai amalan utamanya, kita, umat muslim berhak meraih pahala yang berlipat ganda, meraih malam Lailatul Qadar, dan balasan tertinggi yakni surga Allah melalui pintu Ar Royyan. Ya, karna Allah tlah menjanjikan semuanya!

Kini perjuangan itu tlah menghantarkan kita pada malam berbahagia, malam kemenangan, 1 Syawal 1433 H. Ditinggal Ramadhan, namun diberinya kita pelajaran berharga. Petikan pelajaran dari Ramadhan adalah . . .


Dari Ramadhan, kita belajar keikhlasan dalam beramal & beribadah pada Allah. Bagaimana tidak, keikhlasan diuji saat menjalankan ibadah puasa. Tanpa ikhlas & pengharapan akan ridho dan pahala dari Allah, bukan tak mungkin kita enggan berlama-lama menahan lapar & haus, bangun malam hari untuk sahur, dsb. Keikhlasanlah yang insyaallah membawa kita pada kerelaan beribadah hanya untuk Allah, tanpa pujian & penghargaan dari manusia.


Ramadhan membuat hari-hari kita berjalan tertib. Ya, lihat saja waktu sahur, shalat 5 waktu, tilawah Al-Qur'an, berbuka puasa, serta tarawih yang tertata dengan rapi & terjadwal sempurna. Kedisiplinan ibadah ini menular pada kegiatan duniawi lain. Sebut saja bangun tidur, aktivitas kerja di luar rumah, istirahat, makan, sampai tidur kembali pun seolah-olah menyesuaikan & membentuk ritme yang begitu teratur.

Semangat Juang Tinggi

Motivasi dari Allah adalah motivasi utama & puncak yang (seharusnya) menggugah dan mengobarkan semangat kita dalam beribadah. Ya, janji Allah adalah nyata, jelas & tak teringkari akan balasan amalan di bulan Ramadhan, pahala yang berlipat ganda, serta malam seribu bulan yang dihadirkan di salah satu malam ganjil di sepuluh malam terakhir bulan suci ini. Motivasi inilah yang mampu menghantarkan semangat juang untuk lebih baik dalam berpuasa, shalat, tilawatil Qur'an, tarawih, sodaqoh, menuntut ilmu, dsb.

Berbagi dengan Sesama

Salah satu janji istimewa Allah di bulan Ramadhan adalah balasan bagi kita yang menyediakan makanan untuk berbuka bagi orang yang shaum. Janji ini 'kan memotivasi kita untuk ikut serta menyisihkan rezeki & menyediakan hidangan berbuka puasa. Tak kalah pentingnya, amalan khusus lain di bulan Ramadhan yakni zakat fitrah, menjadi sarana mendapatkan pahala Allah. Melalui zakat fitrah, kita diingatkan untuk berbagi rezeki dengan mereka yang berhak menerima.


Pembelajaran ini, semoga senantiasa membekas dalam hati, dan tercermin dalam akhlak kita. Akhir Ramadhan ini akan menjadi awal dari perjuangan lebih hebat di bulan-bulan lain sampai insyaallah Ramadhan menyapa kita lagi. Petikan ini juga semoga menjadi bekal bagi perbaikan amalan dan peningkatan keimanan serta ketaqwaan kita pada Allah. 

Semoga Allah memudahkan & menguatkan kita untuk senantiasa istiqomah pada kebaikan yang telah dilakukan selama Ramadhan. Akhirnya, semoga perjuangan ini tak berhenti di akhir Ramadhan kali ini. Amin.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Asking and Giving Personal Information

Grade : VII

Objective : at the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and give personal information.

Method : presentation-practice-production

Material :

1. Question words
    what, who, where, when, why, how, how many, how long, etc
2. Common questions to ask personal information
    a. what's your name?
    b. what's your address?
    c. how old are you?
    d. where do you live?
    e. how many sisters do you have?
    f. etc.

Media :

1. Video or recording (optional)
2. Small paper (the amount is according to the amount of students). Write numbers of half amount of students in two different paper. For example, there are twenty students in the class. Write number 1-10 in first ten small paper as well as in the second ten small paper.

Procedures :

- presentation -
1. Let the students brainstorm questions they often ask to their new friends and note them.
2. Add some common questions to ask personal information.
3. Play a recording containing interview of asking and giving personal information.

- practice -
4. Get the students practice pronouncing and using the questions.
5. Distribute the paper with numbers to the students.
6. Ask students having the same numbers to interview each other.

- production -
7. Get the students report the result of their interview orally or write the information on an identity card.
8. Provide feedback for students.